MotoNovo Finance

Motor Finance Commission Complaints

For more information and to make a complaint, please click here.

What is an Income and Expenditure document and how do I complete this? 

An Income & Expenditure form is a great tool to give clarity on your finances. It takes into consideration every type of expense and income, and at the end you will be able to see how much you have remaining. If there are funds remaining, this is called a surplus. If there are no funds remaining, this is called a deficit. We use this outcome to make sure the support we offer you is tailored to your needs – today and months down the line. 

You can complete the Income and Expenditure document on Money Manager

Or, if you’ve recently completed an Income & Expenditure with another organisation, and your financial situation remains the same, you can email this to us at [email protected].

Tips for getting started

  • Please make sure you have a good understanding of all your income as well as outgoings (including for anyone who you share the bills with). It would be useful for you to have your mobile banking app to hand or bank statement.
  • To get a correct understanding of your situation, you’ll need to make sure you enter the most up to date values for each section. Otherwise, the form won’t give you an accurate final answer.
  • The form can take around 20 minutes to complete, or longer if you’re not sure of your finances.